
Public Involvement

Your Support

The concept for the new museum had been drafted and the main topics had been selected. Then it was your turn, and your assistance was tremendous! The Museum of Bavarian History is intended to become a people’s museum on which Bavarians and fans of Bavaria collaborate – with histories and exhibited objects. The way we remember, what we are able to tell about the past, and the selection of what we deem worth handing down is how we shape history and thus the present as well

Collection Drives

You contributed to the Museum of Bavarian History’s collection of objects! We sought exhibited objects with a history from the life of Bavarians for the widest variety of topics. Collection drives to date:

Eyewitnesses to Events

The Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte has been conducting eyewitness interviews on different topics for over thirty years. Over 600 eyewitnesses from politics, business, culture, religion, science and sports have been interviewed to date. Public figures are given as much opportunity to speak as strangers, who recount the stories of their lives, thus elucidating major economic and social upheavals of the 20th century: Eyewitnesses to Events

“Play a Role Now”

Do you have personal mementos with a history or histories for the museum’s collection? Then contact us.