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Inclusion in the Museum of the Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte - Overview.
Museum building
Public parking spaces for the disabled (map) are available near the southern entrance
Disabled access to the museum building, to central points in the foyer (checkout, information, sanitary facilities, cloakroom, lift), and to the permanent exhibition
Floor indicators in the foyer
Audio neck loops in the entire ground floor area
Permanent exhibition
Offers for visually impaired and blind people: freely accessible tactile objects and threshold pictures in the exhibition, with inscription in Braille and tactile alphabets
Haptic maps with high-contrast designs
Offers for the hearing-impaired and deaf: sign language videos on central content, rental of audio neck loops
Offers for people with difficulties in language comprehension: easy-language audioguide in the Mediaguide
Exhibition tour designed for disabled access (no floor indicators)
Fixed seats,mobile seats and wheelchairs, and barrier-free presentation of the exhibits through appropriate display-cabinet heights and adapted usability of the media stations.
Guided tour programme
Guided tour with sign-languageinterpreter on request
Admission fees and guided-tour fees
Free admission on presentation ofa corresponding certificate of disability; free admission for an accompanying person
Free loan of the Mediaguide (sign language, easy language) on presentation of appropriate certificate of disability
Guided tours: regular guided-tour fee plus reduced admission fee (no additional costs for sign language interpreters)
Die Programmierung der Internetseite basiert auf BITV 2.0
Anpassung von Kontrast und Schriftgröße möglich
Informationen in Leichter Sprache
Wenn Sie Mängel bezüglich der Barrierefreiheit melden möchten, finden Sie hier die Kontaktmöglichkeiten.
Induktive Höranlage in der Medienpädagogik, im Foyer, im Panoramakino und im Donausaal (Bereich für Veranstaltungen und Sonderausstellungen).